April 2004 Events


Date Event
2-4th 3Bs Berkshire's 3rd Last Stand Rally

At Holtwood Farm, Holtwood, Hampstead Marshall, near Newbury, £8 pre-book or £10 o.t.g

Details: for tickets write to : 3Bs, 15 Wentworth Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7JB ot Call : 01635 846 923 or 07889 912 685

9-11th Tsunami Riders MCC & Mutants Go RC's Joint Rally

At Old Elthamians Rugby Club, Cjislehurst, Kent

Details: Call : 0208 306 0270 or 07984 422 392 or Visit : www.tsnumairiders.org.uk

11th Reading MAG's Shepherds Hill Bike Show

At Reading Rugby Club, Sinning Lane, Reading, 11am start, £1 entry, evening tickets £4, camping £3 per tent

Details: Call : 0118 954 5888 or E-Mail : harleyian@ntlworld.com

11th Norton Day

At The Ace Café, Stonebridge, London

Details: Call : 0208 961 1000

12th 6th Annual Southend Shakedown

Meet at The Ace Café to leave at 10:30am

Details: Call : 0208 961 1000 or Visit : www.ace-cafe-london.com

16-18th Celtic Warriors' 11th Birthday Bash

At Wood Green Animal Shelter, Godmanchester, Cambs, £15 pre-book or £20 o.t.g, 2500 limit, cars £5 pre-book only, no fires, barbecues, candles or dogs

Details: for tickets write to : Celtic Warriors, PO Box 164, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2HD or Call : Taz 07813 675 136 or Binny 07833 164 105 or E-Mail : celticwarriors@celticwarriors.org , cheques payable to Celtic Warriors

23-25th 1st Hic Bibi Rally

At The Red Herring, Coppull, Lancashire, £8 pre-book

Details: Call : 01257 791 366 or E-Mail : fmusic@freenetname.co.uk

23-25th Jugsters MCC's 12th Bosted Bladder Rally

At a new site, £10 pre-book, no fires, cars BPA only

Details: for tickets send SAE to : Jugsters MCC, c/o 1 Belcher Close, Heather, Coalville, Leics, LE67 2 RN or Call : 07976 852 831 cheques payable to Jugsters MCC